A seminar was held on Continuing Medical Education Program on Legal Opinion on Rights and Defences for Doctors

A seminar was held on Continuing Medical Education Program on "Legal Opinion on Rights and Defences for Doctors (LORDD), by Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxilogy, Dr.RMLIMS, Lucknow

A seminar was held on Continuing Medical Education Program on Legal Opinion on Rights and Defences for Doctors

A seminar was held on Continuing Medical Education Program on "Legal Opinion on Rights and Defences for Doctors (LORDD), by Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxilogy, Dr.RMLIMS, Lucknow and Regional chapter,  Academy of Hospital Administration,  U P. at Academic Block, Dr. RMLIMS, Lucknow. 

In his inaugural address , the Guest of Honour, D K Thakur, IPS, Commissioner of Police , Commissionerate, lucknow , emphasised on the close co ordination between the police and hospital administration,  to enable the smooth functioning of the hospitals,  all over the state. He further said that both the police and hospital Drs go through a very though job of 24 hours duty and under great mental pressure, to perform best. 
Mr Vinod Sahi, Additional Advocate General, UP elucidated the importance of legal help for the drs fraternity.  He said that they the Drs go thru great mental tension, when treating a patient and on many occasions the attendees prove to be a obstacle. Drs have to face even physical abuse at their hands. He further said that drs are entitled to legal protection, and that they must use it. 
Dr. Nuzhat Hussain in her inaugural welcome speech welcomed the distinguished guest and audience . She thanked all the participating organizers for making the function  a great success.
Dr. Harshvardhan President Regional Chapter,  Academy of hospitals, and Head , deptt of Hospital Administration , SGPGIMS also emphasised on close co ordination between the Legal, police and hospital administration.  

Dr Richa Chaudary ,Professor and Head , deptt of FMT, drs RMLIMS , lucknow said that the coming togather of the Black coat, Brown coat and White coat is a monumental step towards smooth functioning of the the hospital Administration.  She said that drs are legally protected in all foreign countries whereas in India drs have to face tough situation on hand. She appreciated the presence of the UP Police Commissioner and Advocate General on this occasion,  to make the seminar a great success.
Prof. Sonia Nityanand, Dean Dr.RMLIMS, Adv. Ratnesh Awasthi, Adv. Kavya Singh, mr. Suvigya Mishra, Director Triosk, Mansoor Ahsan, Director Glibal medical services pvt. Ltd, Dr. Nilesh  Dr. Pooja Trehan, Dr. Shamrender Narayan Prof. Deptt of Radiology  , Dr.RMLIMS were present during this grand seminar. 
Afzal Ali shah Maududi. 
Editor cum Bureau chief. 