National Seminar on Yog and Naturopathy was organised by INO and AIIMS in association with CCRYN and MDNIY Ministry of Ayush

National Seminar on Yog & Naturopathy was organised by the International Naturopathy Organization (INO) and AIIMS and in association with Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) & Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY), Ministry of Ayush, Government of India at the JawaharLal Nehru Auditorium, AIIMS.

National Seminar on Yog and Naturopathy was organised by INO and AIIMS in association with CCRYN and MDNIY Ministry of Ayush
National Seminar on Yog and Naturopathy

New Delhi, 23 April, 2023: Today National Seminar on Yog & Naturopathy was organised by the International Naturopathy Organization (INO) and AIIMS and in association with Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) & Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY), Ministry of Ayush, Government of India at the JawaharLal Nehru Auditorium, AIIMS. The main theme of this seminar was "Yog-Naturopathy: An Integrative Medicine". .

The main theme of this seminar was "Yog-Naturopathy: An Integrative Medicine". The seminar began with the lamp lighting ceremony which was done by prominent figures like Dr. Anant Biradar, National President of the International Naturopathy Organisation (INO) and Member - Governing Body, CCRYN Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India along with another guest of honour. The Secretary of Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India could not attend the seminar due to some unforeseen commitment, however, his message to promote and adopt Yog, Naturopathy and Ayurveda was read over and appreciated by Dr. Raghvendra Rao, Director of CCRYN, Ministry of AYUSH.

Dr. Anant Biradar welcomed the guests present at the seminar including doctors in various fields such as Allopathy, Naturopathy and Ayurvedic Sciences along with Yoga Practitioners and students from across the country.  Dr. Biradar emphasized the importance of Science & Spirituality to bring along a health revolution in society. He added that Yog and Naturopathy are the main two practices to lead a healthy and a disease free life. Dr. Biradar said that this association with AIIMS and the reason to conduct this seminar here was to promote the idea of adopting allopathy and naturopathy hand in hand. Dr. Biradar expressed his desire to see AIIMS thriving not only in allopathic sciences but also have its own Naturopathy and Ayurved department and he believes that very soon the Ministry of AYUSH will help in seeing this development go through in AIIMS. He wants that Naturopathy should be adopted by each and every Indian as it involves the most economical and easy practices without any side effects to live a healthy life.

Other guests also took up the stage to share their experiences and views on "Yog-Naturopathy". Amongst them was Dr. Tapaswini Pradhan, Otorhinolaryngology Surgical Oncologist/Cancer Surgeon from Appollo Hospital Gropup who believes that Overall Wellbeing can be achieved through a holistic approach which is a combination of Physical, spiritual and Emotional Wellbeing: the roots of Naturopathy.

Dr. Raghvendra Rao, Director- CCRYN, Ministry of AYUSH, said that there are concrete researches available to prove that fatigue, anxiety, depression, stress and other negative ailments of this kind can be cured through Yoga and Naturopathy, without having to consume antidepressant medicines.

Prof.(Dr.) K.P. Kochhar - Department of Physiology, AIIMS said that India is the Pharmacy of the World as it is the birthplace of Yog & Naturopathy, which she believes is a way of life, way of thinking and a total lifestyle. In the same way  Dr. Tanuja Nesari, Director of The All India institute of Ayurved(AIIA) under Ministry of Ayush expressed  her views that  future of medicine is integration of Ayurveda, Allopathy, Naturopathy and Yoga because in her own words- "My health is my responsibility"

In the seminar, Padmashree Dr. CS Pandav, Iodine man of India, Dr. SN Pandey, Dr. Sangeeta Nehra, Dr. MK Taneja, DR. DN Sharma, Dr. RS Dawas were also a part of the seminar along with more than 1000 modern science doctors, naturopaths, yoga professionals and students. Shri Rajneesh Garg anchored the seminar. Yoga performance was also done by yoga professionals of MDNIY under common yoga protocol of ministry of Ayush.