Condemnation of the dehumanization barbaric crimes against the civilian on both sides in the Arab-Jewish conflict.

Condemnation of the dehumanization barbaric crimes and a call to include reason, conscience and God to jointly study, develop and apply the Gandhian peace science

Condemnation of the dehumanization barbaric crimes against the civilian on both sides in the Arab-Jewish conflict.
Condemnation of the dehumanization barbaric crimes

The GGHA strongly condemns the bloody crimes against the civilian population, the brutal murder of thousands of children and women on both sides in the Arab-Jewish conflict. Such is the inexhaustible price of peacemaking ignorance, which has no end. Two peoples have been deliberately destroying each other for decades, and no one knows, including the UN; the saddest thing is that they don’t want to know, HOW in truth these and any other peoples can live in peace, without war and violence (

Mahatma Gandhi, back in 1927, discovered “Newton’s law of non-violence of spherons, which governs humanity and which is stronger than nuclear weapons.” All governments, including the UN and UNESCO, have unanimously tabooed it for almost a century. Only the GGHA, over the past 18 years, since 2005, has created a fundamental and verified macrosociological peace megascience in the system of its 12 global laws.

Now all that remains is to master this science, jointly study, develop and apply it through the joint Arab-Palestinian “Academy of Peace, Prosperity and Accelerated Growth” of 30-40 specialists. It will require scanty funding - 2 million dollars a year (

This requires only reason and the leaders’ political will to keep their nations in peace and not to exterminate them in continuous wars. What is easier and simpler for them: to kill each other or to master the peace science together? Are there really no thinking people among their leaders who want peace instead of war and are ready to apply its science? This must be answered not only by the leaders but also by the peoples in the elections. The women and youth play a key role in this mission, but if they remain silent and inactive, the situation of mutual extermination will continue for centuries. What's your choice?

We call on leaders, peoples to immediately stop the bloodshed and take this only existential and peacemaking path! There is no other life choice!

By Dr. Leo Semashko, Philosopher, GGHA founder and honorary president, Peacemaker from the Gandhian spherons harmony