UN day of PeaceKeepers organized by Global Trade and Technology Council of India

Global Trade and Technology Council of India along with ICUNR , Lions Club Delhi Veg and Smebiz has organised UN day of PeaceKeepers at Hotel Metropolitan New Delhi. It was well attended by diplomats and Elite people of Delhi.

UN day of PeaceKeepers organized by Global Trade and Technology Council of India
UN day of PeaceKeepers at Hotel Metropolitan New Delhi celebrated

New Delhi, 29th May, 2022: Global Trade and Technology Council of India along with ICUNR , Lions Club Delhi Veg and Smebiz has organised UN day of PeaceKeepers at Hotel Metropolitan New Delhi. It was well attended by diplomats and Elite people of Delhi

Ambassador of Uruguay, Deputy Ambassador of Cambodia, Political and Visa councils of USA, Education and Miltiary Council of Russian embassy, Council General of Comros, Diplomats from Malawi, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Palestine, Burkina Faso were welcomed by Lion Dr Gaurav Gupta, the founder President of GTTCI and Lions Club.

Sh K L Malhotra the General secretary read the mesaage of UN Secretary General. Mr Ashish Gupta and Mr Kapil Khandelwal felicitated all the guests.

IRS and Actor Mr Sahil Seth also joined the event. It was well appreciated and attended.

The gifts were given to all the guests by Mr Kapil Aggarwal, Balvinder Singh, Priyanka Sachdeva and Dr Deepali Bhardwaj.

Dr Deepali Bhardwaj also spoken about the importance of World Women Hygiene Day. She gave tips of women health and mensural hygiene.