Sir Syed Academy of Aligarh Muslim University,in its series of publications on Aligarh Movement, brought out a comprehensive Monograph on " Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah ( Aga Khan  lll ) , authored by Dr. Sadaf Fareed, Astt.Professor in English at Women's College, Aligarh Muslim University.The monograph, alongwith 4 other books,was released by the Vice-chancellor,prof.Tariq Mansoor,in an impressive Ceremony held recently at Sir Syed Academy.
The book highlights Sir Aga Khan's contribution in the upgradation of MAO College into Aligarh Muslim University.Sir Aga Khan lll was the first Pro-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University and generously extended monetary support to the University from time to time.
Born in Karachi on November 2nd, 1877,Aga Khan lll was popular among all Indians and was revered by all the Indian communities.He was the spiritual head of the Ismaili community.He had the degree of L.L.D conferred upon ,by the University of Cambridge.He made his first visit to the MAO College in 1896,when he was only 19 years old and was welcomed by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. Impressed by the vision of Sir Syed,Sir Aga Khan decided to join the Aligarh Movement.The Aligarh Muslim University was the dream of Sir Syed but Sir Aga Khan , alongwith many others, worked hard to transform this dream into reality.
By the Year 1910,The Aligarh movement had gained momentum and had become a national movement. During the Muslim Educational conference session at Nagpur,Sir Aga Khan inspired the attendees to contribute generously for the cause of a University.In 1911,A central foundation committee was constituted for the collection of fund of Rupees 30 lakhs as demanded by the British Government for granting the University Charter.Sir Aga Khan lll was selected as the Chairman of this Committee,and Maulana Shaukat Ali was appointed as his Secretary.They travelled from place to place and urged upon people to donate for the cause of the Muslim University.They visited Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad, Calcutta, Bombay, Lahore and many other places for this purpose.His touching appeals moved the people and they contributed generously in the University fund.The Author of the monograph ,Dr.Sadaf Fareed has narrated a very emotional incident in the book.
     " Once in Bombay, Sir Aga Khan stopped his car in front of an office.That office belonged to one of his harshest critics.The man in all his bewilderment asked Sir Aga Khan,' Whom do you want sir?' Aga Khan replied,' I have come for your contribution to the Muslim University fund'.At this,the man gave a cheque of 5000/ rupees to Sir Aga Khan.He pocketed the cheque and took off his hat and said,' Now as a beggar, I beg from you something for the children of Islam. Put something in the bowl of this mendicant.' That man stood up and wrote another cheque of 15000/ rupees with moist eyes.,".
Infact wherever he went people unharnessed the horses of his carriage and pulled it themselves for miles.He declared that as a mendicant he would go from door to door asking for donations.People welcomed him wholeheartedly.Aga Khan's efforts encouraged many others as well to contribute for the cause of the AMU.By July 1912 they collected rupees twenty six lakhs.
    Sir Aga Khan had very humbly accepted the honor of being the first Pro-Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University due to his obligations towards the University.He was a very generous donor and had contributed immensely in making AMU a renowned Islamic centre of education.At the Convocation of 1938,he declared that he would be donating more than four lakh rupees for the cause of education at AMU.
This monograph is available at the Sales counters of the AMU publications Division at Baab e Syed and Shamshad Market at a price of Rupees 250/- ( With usual discounts including 50% for AMU students).It shall also be available at Amazon.
Dr.Mohammad Shahid
Dy. Director
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