A spiritual disciple should never hesitate to carry out the commands of his spiritual guide.  When the spiritual guide has suggested any prayers or spiritual routine, the disciple should give his full attention to it and practice it.


Sultan Al-Hind Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chisti (Qaddas Allahu Sirrahu) advised, "When I came in close contact with Hazrat Khawaja Usman Harooni (Qaddas Allahu Sirrahu) and became his spiritual disciple (mureed), I passed 8 years in such a way that I took no rest.  My only concern was to please him by my devotion and service. 

When his holiness would go on a journey, I used to carry on my head his bedding and food.  My spiritual guide (pir-o-murshid) appreciated and recognized my services. He was pleased with me and granted me such gifts which cannot be described.  I am thankful to him for his gifts and kindness.

Whoever gained anything, gained by service.  A spiritual disciple should never hesitate to carry out the commands of his spiritual guide.  When the spiritual guide has suggested any prayers or spiritual routine, the disciple should give his full attention to it and practice it.  The disciple should know in his heart that the spiritual guide advises only for the benefit of the disciple.

At last, by virtue of the disciple's devotion and service to his spiritual guide, he will get such blessings and gifts which are limitless and beyond description. The people cannot ever understand what the spiritual guide has, and the benefit he derived from his own spiritual teacher."


Ya Mere Allah Jumla Ambiya ke Wastey,
Hajathe Barla Meri Kul Awliya ke Wastey

O my Lord, for the sake of all your beloved prophets and saints,
Please fulfill all my needs and remove my pains

Silsila E Aliya Khushhaliya !!

(Ref: Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz by Dr. Z. Hasan Sharib, pages 87 to 88)

Syed afzal Ali shah Maududi. 

Editor cum Bureau chief. 
