Plantation awareness programme organised by BEW at GHSS Sartingal

Plantation awareness programme by BEW

Plantation awareness programme organised by BEW at GHSS Sartingal

Plantation Awareness Drive:

UT JK, 17 FEB: The “Bhaderwah Eco- Watch” (Trust) under the direction of BEW GCC President Mohd Iqbal Malik,organized a tree planting drive at government Higher Secondary School Sartingal Bhaderwah along with banners & posters highlighting the urgency of tree planting to save the green planet Earth in order to educate students about the need to preserve our environment and ecology in Jammu and Kashmir.

The primary goal of planting Cedar saplings was to engage the next generation and motivate them to protect the environment in order to keep it clean, green, and pure.

Ab Haq Sheikh, a physical education instructor, and Sachin Singh Sambyal, the founder of JK Adventures Jammu, spoke to the kids about the value of trees as well as the current environmental problems of pollution and global warming.

As the Bhaderwah valley has seen tremendous damage to green Cedar and Pine trees over the past three years from organised departmental and forest mafia, Sachin Singh Sambyal stated that maintaining our ecosystem by planting more and more trees are urgently needed.

Iqbal Malik illuminated the significance of planting trees by explaining to the kids how green trees benefit the environment by improving air quality, conserving water, protecting soil, sustaining wildlife, and offering shelter, medicine, and tools.

The tree planting effort was successful because the kids took part in it with tremendous fire and excitement. They promised to raise awareness of the need to plant more trees. Each of our small actions can have a significant impact on the planet's overall ecosystem.

The students that took part in planting derive despite ongoing winter vocations received Eco. Notebooks at the conclusion of the programme.