Shashi Tharoor's question to Delhi Police: 'When Rahul Gandhi made it clear...'

In J&K where Bharat Jodo Yatra ended, Rahul Gandhi narrated a story as he said women in the country are still being subjected to domestic abuse. He said he met two women who told him that they were gangraped. Rahul Gandhi said he wanted to help them and call the police...

Shashi Tharoor's question to Delhi Police: 'When Rahul Gandhi made it clear...'
When Rahul Gandhi made it clear... Shashi Tharoor

New Delhi, 19 March, 2023 : Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Sunday asked Delhi Police what actionable information they hope to get after interrogating Rahul Gandhi when Rahul Gandhi made it clear that the women requested him not to make their testimony public or to involve the police. Amid a row over Rahul Gandhi's comments in the UK for which an apology is being demanded from him, the Delhi Police on Sunday reached Rahul Gandhi's residence to inquire about his comments in J&K that during his yatra two women came up to him and confided that they were 'gangraped'.

The Congress condemned the Delhi Police action while Rahul Gandhi in his preliminary reply that he sent before 4pm called it 'unprecedented'. In his four-page reply, he asked whether this action has anything to do with his position taken both inside and outside Parliament on the Adani issue. He asked whether campaigns of other political parties, including that of the BJP, have ever been subjected to such kind of scrutiny or questioning. He also questioned the urgency of the Delhi Police's sudden action.

In J&K where Bharat Jodo Yatra ended, Rahul Gandhi narrated a story as he said women in the country are still being subjected to domestic abuse. He said he met two women who told him that they were gangraped. Rahul Gandhi said he wanted to help them and call the police but they said they just wanted to tell him and there was nothing he could do to help them as they will never get married if they go to the police.

"Bharat Jodo Yatra and Rahul Gandhi gave a safe space to millions of women to walk freely, voice their concerns & share their pain. Delhi Police’s cheap theatrics prove how rattled Mr Modi is with our questions on Adani. This harassment deepens our conviction to seek answers," the Congress said linking the Delhi Police action with the ongoing attack on Rahul Gandhi.

Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Sagar Preet Hooda said what Rahul Gandhi said was a serious issue. After his comments, the police conducted a local inquiry to find out of any woman approached Gandhi when the yatra was in Delhi. "But no such incident came to the notice of our officials also nor did we find any victim," Hooda said.

Courtesy : hindustantimes

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