Maulana Mahmood Madani denounces state brutality in Mewat: extends support to bulldozer victims by handing over Keys to Jamiat-built houses in NUH

Maulana Madani met with Mewat riot victims and assessed ongoing rehabilitation work initiated by Jamiat. He condemned the targeting of mosques in Mewat during the riots and criticized the lack of action by the government and the police.

Maulana Mahmood Madani denounces state brutality in Mewat: extends support to bulldozer victims by handing over Keys to Jamiat-built houses in NUH
Maulana Mahmood Madani handing over Keys to Jamiat-built houses in NUH

New Delhi, November 13: Maulana Mahmood Asa'd Madani, President of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, denounced the demolition of houses in Mewat in August as an act of state-sponsored brutality targeting a particular community. Maulana Madani expressed his dismay while handing over keys to houses constructed by Jamiat to families affected by the riots and government actions in Nalhar, Mewat.

Addressing the gathering, Maulana Madani questioned the government's bulldozer actions, stating, "Should I call this state terrorism? Whatever it is, it is a black mark on the forehead of this country's democracy." He emphasized that any government must adhere to the constitution, and deviation from the law would brand it as anarchic rather than a lawful governing body.

Maulana Madani added, "The architects of this country did not liberate it for oppression and discrimination but for justice and law. The Haryana government's actions in Mewat reflect lawlessness, making the poor and helpless the primary victims."

Maulana Madani, who visited Mewat and participated in a program jointly organized by Jamiat Youth Club and Deeni Ta'alimi Board, called attention to the need for justice and unity. He underlined the importance of every class contributing to the nation-building process.

During his visit, Maulana Madani met with Mewat riot victims and assessed ongoing rehabilitation work initiated by Jamiat. He condemned the targeting of mosques in Mewat during the riots and criticized the lack of action by the government and the police.

The people of Mewat welcomed his arrival in Mewat with gratitude. A letter of thanks was presented to the legal and welfare cooperation provided by Jamiat during challenging times.

Inaugurating the Jamiat Youth Club camp at Madrasa Ubai bin Kaab at  Ghasera, Maulana Madani stressed the importance of instilling passion in children and creating leaders rather than focusing solely on infrastructure. He highlighted the role of institutions in producing individuals contributing to religious, social, and national fields.

In a separate joint meeting of Jamiat, Tablighi Jamaat, and Madrasa at Madrasa Moinul Islam Nuh, Maulana Madani emphasized the establishment of an organized Maktab.

The joint delegation included Maulana Hakeemuddin Qasmi, General Secretary of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, Maulana Yahya Karimi, State President of JUH, Maulana Mufti Zahid Qasmi, Imam of Jama Masjid Nuh, and several other prominent members.